Friday 22 September 2017

Life Hack #3 – How To Make Chocolate Last Longer

If there’s one thing I’m guilty of it is binging chocolate. I now break it into chunks and store it in the freezer. It takes longer to melt, I can take a bit whenever I want and it means I eat less and save money. Win win!
Do you have any tips to eat less chocolate? Please pop it in the comments below.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Life Hack #2 – How To Remember Someones Name

If there’s one thing I’m hopeless with, its remembering someones name. I have been known to avoid using a name at work for weeks because I’ve not remembered it. Very awkward when it comes to Christmas cards time! I was told recently that if you say a name out loud (or anything else for that matter) your brain is more likely to store it in your short term memory. So now, when I meet someone and they introduce themself, first I repeat their name back to them before introducing myself. I also try and drop it in again during conversation or at least when saying goodbye.
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